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As a portuguese leader in the production and sale of laminated plasterboard, Gyptec Ibérica actively contributes to sustainable development, seeking to reconcile economic prosperity with environmental responsibility and social equality. Gyptec is committed to guiding its actions by the following economic, environmental and social principles, which define its objectives and prioritize its actions in order to contribute to a better life on our planet:

1. Determine the applicable compliance obligations in terms of Quality and Environment, relating to its products and services, environmental and social aspects and impacts, ensure, monitor and evaluate their compliance and correct any deviations detected.

2. Establish and implement conditions that lead to the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of all interested parties (management, customers, employees, suppliers and other partners), with respect for the environment and under conditions of economic sustainability, with a view to continuous improvement, promoting energy efficiency and preventing pollution and damage to the health of employees.

3. Promote the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, reviewing the established objectives, their suitability to the context of the organization, stakeholders and the risks and opportunities inherent to its activity, improving the production process and periodically assessing its environmental and social aspects and impacts, from a life cycle perspective and taking into account future activities to be developed.

4. Believe in people, welcome each person’s contribution, respect their identity and diversity, promote talent, equal opportunities, inclusion, cooperation and communication. Invest in the health and safety conditions of human capital, taking into account the specificities of the organization.

5. Encourage people to participate in the continuous improvement of the organization’s performance and in achieving the established objectives, promoting their awareness, commitment and technical training.

6. Adopt processes that reduce the amount of waste, promoting its internal or external recovery. Promote energy efficiency by prioritizing the use of renewable energy sources and the preservation of natural resources, waterways and air quality, contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

7. Maintain and strengthen its market position through high quality, the constant search for innovative products, technical support and compliance with established deadlines, thus approaching market competition with confidence, openness and determination to differentiate itself from its competitors in a positive way.

8. Create a resilient organization, with the ability to anticipate and react quickly to major changes. Adopt safe practices and investments that prioritize being financially and operationally ready for adversity, market trends, customer needs and growth opportunities.

The Management of Gyptec Ibérica – Gessos Técnicos, S.A., undertakes to periodically review this Integrated System Policy in order to ensure its effectiveness, and that it is documented, implemented, maintained and communicated as appropriate.

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